Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can participate in the JUMP into STEM challenges?

A: JUMP into STEM is for undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in a U.S. college or university and who are 18 years of age or older. Be sure to read the JUMP into STEM Terms and Conditions for specific rules and requirements. The internship opportunity must be declined or internship applications must be begun when the ideas are submitted.

Q: When do I need to submit my internship application?

A: You must complete your internship application or decline to be considered for an internship before or at the same time as you submit your idea. Be sure to visit the JUMP into STEM Terms and Conditions for specific rules and requirements.

Q: What do I gain from participating?

A: Challenge winners are awarded one-on-one mentorship opportunities. Eligible challenge winners and other finalists will be invited to compete for a paid 10-week summer internship (subject to eligibility and available funding) at either Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, or Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The winners will be promoted on social media. The best ideas may also be considered for future research and development collaboration.

Q: Can I participate as an individual?

A: No, participants must submit ideas as a team of 2-4. Participants must all be 18 years of age or older and currently enrolled in a U.S. college or university. See the Terms and Conditions for more information.

Q: What are the review criteria for participating teams?

A: Team submissions will be evaluated for impact on technical potential and innovation.

Q: I am not a legal resident of the United States. Can I participate in JUMP?

A: Yes! Non-U.S. residents may apply as long as they attend college in the United States!

Q: I would like to participate and submit an idea, but I am concerned about the security of my intellectual property. How does this work?

A: All submissions to the JUMP into STEM challenges remain the intellectual property of the individuals or organizations that developed them. By providing a submission to a challenge, you grant to UT-Battelle, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the other supporters a royalty-free license to (i) use your submission; (ii) post your submission(s) on and other DOE and associated sites; and (iii) publicize the names, likenesses, photographs, voices, opinions, and/or hometowns and states in any media, worldwide, of call-for-innovation participants (including the individual members of a team) through social media and events of UT-Battelle’s or DOE’s choosing without any payment or other consideration. Such license shall remain in force in perpetuity. In addition, no submissions to calls for innovation amount to any express or implied contracts with any of the supporters of such challenges, including, but not limited to, UT-Battelle or DOE.

Q: Can I include pictures, drawings, and videos with my idea submission?

A: If a picture or drawing would add value to your submittal we encourage you to include it; however, your submission must still be within the page limits. Unless specifically requested in the challenge description, videos (or links to videos) should not be included.

Q: Can I include an appendix with my submission?

A: Yes, you may submit an appendix. However, the appendix is optional and might not be reviewed by the judges.

Q: Can I edit my idea after submitting?

A: No, you may not edit your idea after submitting. If an error was made during the upload process, please contact us.

Q: I work at one of the labs or DOE. Can I participate?

A: Employees of the U.S. Department of Energy, UT-Battelle LLC, and its parent and affiliate companies, its subcontractors, as well as immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of each such employee, may participate in the JUMP into STEM challenges; however, their ideas are not eligible for awards. See official Terms and Conditions.

Q: What role do judges play?

A: The judges follow a general review process:

The judging panel includes at least 3 judges:

Q: What does the schedule look like for each JUMP into STEM Challenge?

A: Each challenge adheres to the following general schedule:

Visit the Schedule page for current dates.

Q: I have a question unique to me or not addressed elsewhere.

A: We encourage you to submit your question through the “Contact Us” link below. A moderator will respond to your inquiry within two business days.

Contact Us