PAS Guidance

Detailed Instructions for Personal Access System (PAS)

You have received an invitation from Nicole White from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for entry into the Personnel Access System (PAS) to gain site access to ORNL.

Your email invitation has a specific due date. Please respond before the due date. If you do not respond by the due date, you may not be able to access the site for the event.

In the invitation you were asked to click on the link that says “Guest Portal”. On the PAS guest portal website, please click “RESPOND TO INVITATION” to begin the PAS process.

US Citizen check list:

    Please answer each question in the guest portal.

    If you do not have a passport you may leave this section blank.

    Make sure that the ID that you use in the PAS Guest Portal is the same ID that you bring on site to the final competition.

    Remember to bring your correct photo ID on-site when you visit.

    When you receive your approval, you must complete the site access training at least one day before you arrive on site at ORNL.

Non-US Citizen Check list:

    Please answer each question in the guest portal.

    You will be asked to attach a CV/resume. Please see the examples below.

    You will be asked to include specific Passport and Visa information. Please see below.

    Please send your visa and passport supporting documents to ( [email protected] ).

    Remember to bring your Passport and Visa information on-site when you visit.

    When you receive your approval, you must complete the site access training at least one day before you arrive on site at ORNL.

Regarding the CV/Resume for Non-US Citizens

This is a simplified CV/resume that shows education and experience over the last 10 years. This simple resume should show no gaps for at least 10 years in education or experience.  Our Personnel Access System does not accommodate gaps in the CV/resume. Please avoid gaps in your resume by displaying years only. Do not include months and years as this will result in gaps, and you CV/resume will be rejected.

For example:












Regarding Passport and Visa Information in PAS for non-US citizens

Please read the Guest Portal instructions carefully. Make sure that you provide the correct information and expiration dates. You will need to bring the required documents with you if you want to access the site. If you do not bring your documents, you will not be allowed onto the ORNL site.

You are welcome to call or email Nicole White, 865-341-2422 or [email protected], with your questions.